Style Icon: Hamish Bowles

Hamish Bowles is not well known to the public. Yet it was he who directs the release of European Vogue, oversees major exhibitions and is working to expand the geography of journals publishing Conde Nast.

Must Have: Hiking boots

This species does not become permanent urban shoes appear in photographs of street style and fashion bloggers.

Hiking boots look great not only in the mountains, but also in the city. Today, many brands have a line of the model, or just repeating the classic hiking boots
Or very reminiscent of the classical model. Options for different hiking boots a lot.

easy hiking boots fit perfectly normal to look: the park, flannel shirt and military denim - nothing more is needed. Not so long ago we wrote about the parks, so that's hiking boots and a park - always good combination. Jeans is a little tuck, since shoes are usually high, up to the ankles. Also looks good enough hajkery combination with pants chinos.

In the rain and sleet these shoes good substitute for rubber boots.

Male model: Sean O'Pry